Top ways to prevent from Phishing.

Now a days most of peoples are getting hunted by Phishing . But today i am going to show you how to get protected from phishing .

What is Phishing?
Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

How to avoid getting hunted by Phishing?
To avoid getting phishing you need to follow these ways .

Always check URL :- 
When you click a URL of a login area , you need to check it's URL , If it goes like so don't use it because its not a real one . For example :-

Like this is being redirected to that means its not a real facebook .

Always login to a encrypted URL(HTTPS) :- Sometimes hacker hacks you DNS or host file , it means when you goto real website , it is redirected to the fake website but it shows as you are in a real website . So to avoid this you need to see a encrypted URL like this

Take care of Cookie file :-
Sometimes hacker hijacks your cookie while you login to your account so this is really important to check before you login to your account when you are in a internet cafe or hotel or somewhere where you get free WIFI . To avoid this you need to check the URL and compare your SSL certificate of real site with the site you are currently loggin in . So here is the way .

So This one is facebook's secured one . now check if it is matching .

Have a nice day ! Bye ! 


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