How to make a text speech.

Today i am going to show you how to make your computer speech the message you type using just a simple tool named Notepad !

This tool is made of VBS and notepad . Just 3-4 lines of code can make your computer speech for you . To do this you need to follow these steps.

1.Open notepad, to do this you need to press Windows + R button or simple goto start and press notepad.

2.Now add these codes to the notepad and then save it as textspeaker.vbs instead of textspeaker.txt.

Dim message, sapi
 message = InputBox("A Best Text to Audio converter"+vbcrlf+"From -","Text to Audio converter")
 Set sapi = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
 sapi.Speak message
3. Now save it as the way i mentioned above. Now I'll suggest you to save it on Desktop .

I've noticed as most of users face problem of executing .vbs file so you can do right click then press Open as Command Prompt then it will be opened as shown in this picture.Or if you don't face problem then just double click on the file.
 Now just enter the text you want computer to speak ! Then it will speak as you entered. After writing lines. You need to press OK then done !

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