Warning ! Facebook is spying on you . And how to prevent it .

Warning ! Facebook is spying on you .

As per our invistigation we've founded that facebook is frequently spying on you . Let me explain you how they are spying on you . When you go on any website like Amazon and other famous website who's facebook is sponsor, they track your web browsing . 

As i tried to search that when i brought a shoes on Amazon it tracks the user's cookie and then it shoes same shoes on the Facebook as sponsor and for making my self sure i tried to search on ADI Shopping and now what is got is this .
So for now its 100 percent sure that Facebook tracks your cookie and some browsing data and keeps spying on you . 

How to prevent it ?

To prevent it you should clean your cache , browsing history and cookie while visiting or browsing other site . And so be careful from now and share this post to your other friends . 


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